Skating skills 9. Three-turn combinations.
We are continuing working on turns.
Three-turn bracket combination.
Let’s combine three-turns and brackets into one combination, which would allow us to work on two types of turns at the same time and improve shoulder/hip check after each turn. Remember to rock from the back to the front of your blade on forward turns and from the front to the back during backward turns. Your free foot needs to be pointed and turned out and kept closer to your skating foot during the turn. Knee and ankle action should be down/up/down, bending your skating leg more before and after the turn and slightly go up during the turn.
Double three-turns with stops.
Great exercise for working knees and ankles, getting good timing on the turns and improving power skating. Try to completely stop after each set of three-turns and start again from a stand still position. Free leg could be fully extend during turns or kept closer to skating foot with knee bent.
Here is the link to my youtube channel , where you can watch all these exercises. I hope you enjoy watching my videos and learn something new.