Skating skills 10. Brackets.

Brackets are opposite to three-turns. In three-turns skater’s body turns in the direction of the movement, while brackets are done in opposite direction from your movement, which makes them more difficult than three-turns. For example if the skater moves on a circle clockwise, three-turn will be done clockwise as well, while bracket turn will be counterclockwise.

Here are exercises to master your brackets and three-turns:

  1. Three-turn/Bracket combinations on a half circles.

    -FO three-turn/BI bracket

    -FI three-turn/BO bracket

    -BO three-turn/FI bracket

    -BI three-turn/FO bracket

  2. Bracket/Three-turn combinations on a half circles.

    -FO bracket/BI three-turn

    -FI bracket/BO three-turn

    -BO bracket/FI three-turn

    -BI bracket/FO three-turn

  3. Three-turn/bracket back to back on the same foot on a circle: on the left and right foot, outside and inside edge, forward and backward.

  4. Power pull (change of edge) into bracket:

    -FO edge change into FI bracket

    -FI edge change into FO bracket

    -BO edge change into BI bracket

    -BI edge change into BO bracket

  5. Bracket into pivot:

    -FO bracket into BI pivot

    -FI bracket into BO pivot

    -BO bracket into FI pivot

    -BI bracket into FO pivot

    Here is the link to my youtube channel , where you can watch all these exercises. I hope you enjoy watching my videos and learn something new.

Natalya Khazova

US National and International figure skating coach and choreographer with over 35 years of teaching experience.

Skating skills 11. Rockers.


Skating skills 9. Three-turn combinations.