Skating skills 10. Brackets.
Brackets are opposite to three-turns. In three-turns skater’s body turns in the direction of the movement, while brackets are done in opposite direction from your movement, which makes them more difficult than three-turns. For example if the skater moves on a circle clockwise, three-turn will be done clockwise as well, while bracket turn will be counterclockwise.
Here are exercises to master your brackets and three-turns:
Three-turn/Bracket combinations on a half circles.
-FO three-turn/BI bracket
-FI three-turn/BO bracket
-BO three-turn/FI bracket
-BI three-turn/FO bracket
Bracket/Three-turn combinations on a half circles.
-FO bracket/BI three-turn
-FI bracket/BO three-turn
-BO bracket/FI three-turn
-BI bracket/FO three-turn
Three-turn/bracket back to back on the same foot on a circle: on the left and right foot, outside and inside edge, forward and backward.
Power pull (change of edge) into bracket:
-FO edge change into FI bracket
-FI edge change into FO bracket
-BO edge change into BI bracket
-BI edge change into BO bracket
Bracket into pivot:
-FO bracket into BI pivot
-FI bracket into BO pivot
-BO bracket into FI pivot
-BI bracket into FO pivot
Here is the link to my youtube channel , where you can watch all these exercises. I hope you enjoy watching my videos and learn something new.